Bringing Up The Rear – 3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Butt

By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer


It’s no secret to Personal Trainers that with nearly every new client they work with, there will need to be a big focus on two things – core and posterior chain strength. The posterior chain is the series of muscles that starts at the achilles and runs up through the back of your neck. The powerhouse in this long chain of muscle is the glutes. The glutes play a key role in the essential movement known as hip extension – the act of bringing your hips from a hinged position to lockout underneath your core and shoulders. Here are three essential movements to help you strengthen your glutes, and in turn, boost your total body lifting power.

Table Position Hip Press: This easy to perform movement is one of the best for helping to build some base strength through the posterior chain. Focus on squeezing your glutes hard as you press your hips up to towards the ceiling. Also focus on pressing into the heels and not letting the knees drift forward.

Pro Tip: Hold each rep for 3 seconds at the top, focusing on contracting the glutes together.

Single Leg Deadlifts: This movement is fantastic for helping to build strength through the entire posterior chain and also help to correct imbalances that exist on either side of the body. Focus on squeezing your glutes as you near the top of each repetition, and then holding that contraction as you lower back into the next repetition.

Pro Tip: Limber up by performing a set of these with your hands on TRX handles prior to performing your first set of weighted repetitions. This will help you limber up and be ready to tackle the weighted reps.

Kettlebell Swings: Next to deadlifts, the swing is the king of posterior chain lifts. Unlike deadlifts, which focus on building raw strength, the swing focuses on building explosive power through the hips. Power is an oftentimes forgotten aspect of fitness, but is essential for athletic activities, as well as activities of daily living. Focus on a flat back and tight core during swings to avoid injury.

Pro Tip: Actively pull the kettlebell back towards the body at the top of each rep to build more speed and explosive power. Never lift with the shoulders – let the hips do the work!