Eight Exercises to Help You Ski Stronger

By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, USECA Certified Running Coach

It’s ski season, and many of us will be hitting the slopes in the coming weeks eager to experience the rush that comes from skiing a solid run. There is no doubt that downhill skiing places big demands on the body’s musculature, and our fitness going into a big ski trip can make or break our experience. Here are eight exercises that can help you get your body ready for the specific demands of downhill skiing.

Strength Area: Lower Body Power and Stamina

The legs have a huge eccentric (the scientific term form muscle lengthening) load on them as we cruise down the slopes. To prepare for this, we need to do movements that train eccentric muscle contractions through the lower body. In addition, the legs need to be responsive and agile, requiring dynamic exercises that build motor control and stamina.

Movement# 1: Box Jumps

Movement# 2: Barbell Back Squat

Movement #3: Side to Side Ski Jumps


Strength Area: Strong and Stable Hips 

The hips, along with the core, are the root of strong and fluid movement while you’re heading down the mountain. To train the hips for skiing, we should be focusing on both gluteus maximus and gluteus medius strength, so we are strong overall as well as when moving laterally or stabilizing through a turn.

Movement #4: Lateral Band Walks

Movement #5: Four Square Jump

Movement #6: Romanian Deadlift


Strength Area: A Strong Core 

The core is the root of all other functional movement, and if our core isn’t strong, it is nearly impossible to get maximum power out of our upper and lower extremities. Here are a few core movements that will help get you ready for the specific demands of downhill skiing.

Movement #6: The Stability Ball Plank

Movement #7: Side Plank Row w/ Knee Tuck

Movement #8: TRX Golf Rotation

Have any questions about these movements? Just shoot us an email and we’ll be happy to set-up a Free Initial Session with you to go over these exercises and more!

Here’s to a great ski season!