Avoid the Heat with These Three Fat Blasting Treadmill Workouts

By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer

It’s hot today in the Twin Cities, really hot.. 93 degrees and humid as a sauna cranked up to to max with the bright sun wide out in the open to help with the whole equation. At least it looks nice through the windows of your health club. Yep, it’s that time of year, and the truth is, unless you’re training for the Badwater-135 ultra-marathon through Death Valley, you probably aren’t going to see much of a benefit from forcing yourself to hit it hard in the heat. If you’re de-conditioned or not used to the heat, it might even be dangerous.

While the treadmill isn’t always my first pick when I have the option of going outdoors, the reality is it that it is sometimes necessary. When I do hit the treadmill, I want my workout to be quick, effective, and still provide me some of the training stimulus I face running out on the trails. Here are three go-to workouts for you when you’re stuck inside this summer due to the heat.

Max HR = Maximum Heart Rate (estimated by 220-Age) 

Basic High Intensity Interval Protocol (1/1 ratio of work to rest) – good for building your VO2 Max, speed, and burning fat

5 min warm-up at an easy pace, 50-60% of your max HR (this could be a walk or a jog)

10 x Intervals:

1 minute intense effort at 80-90% of your max HR (this could range from a fast jog to a sprint)

1 minute at an easy pace (this should be roughly the same as your warm-up pace)

5 min cool-down at an easy pace, 50-60% of your max HR


Steep Hilly Hike Workout – good for training your body for the demands of outdoor hiking or if you prefer walking to running or jogging

5 min warm-up at a brisk walk pace (3.0-4.0 mph for most individuals)

5 min at 15% grade at a brisk walk pace followed by 2 min recovery at a 5% grade – Repeat 3x

5 min cool-down at a comfortable walking pace


Half-Mile Repeats Workout – good for building speed, power in your legs, and burning fat 

5 min warm-up at a comfortable walking or jogging pace, 50-60% of your max HR

800m / .5 miles at 85-90% of your max HR – Repeat 4x

5 min cool-down at a comfortable walking or jogging pace