8 Move Bodyweight Circuit – No Equipment? At Home? No Problem!

8 Move Bodyweight Circuit – No Equipment? At Home? No Problem!

By Korey Walz – NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

With limited access to gyms due to coronavirus it is very important to still get a workout in! Listed here I have an 8-move bodyweight circuit. The timing for the circuit will be 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off rotating through all 8 moves consecutively for three rounds. By the end of the workout you have done each exercise three times.

If you need to increase the rest time between sets that is OK! Take water breaks as needed but for sure get a drink before starting round two and then again before starting round three.


Exercise 1: Squat

With a shoulder width stance sit back until your thighs are parallel to the floor and push through the heels back to the top position.

Exercise 2: Push-ups

From the top of the push-up position lower down until upper arms are parallel to the floor and chest ideally almost touching the floor before pressing back up. Make sure to keep your body straight and a modification that can be done is doing push-ups from your knees.

Exercise 3: Front Lunges

From the standing position bring your front leg forward bending at the knee while keeping a straight torso until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Push off the front heel back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Exercise 4: Superman

Laying flat on the floor face down with your arms and legs straight, raise both your arms and legs at the same time, hold at the top position, and come back down. Focus on squeezing glutes together and shoulders together rather than low back.

Exercise 5: Bird Dog

With knees and hands on the floor, raise one leg up and back while at the same time moving the opposite side arm up, return to the starting position, and switch sides.

Exercise 6: Sumo Squat

With feet wider than shoulder width sit back until the thighs are parallel to the floor and then push through the heels back to the top position. Torso stays very tall and upright in comparison to the regular squat.

Exercise 7: Side Lunge

From the top standing position step laterally (right leg to the right or left leg to the left) bending at the knee with the feet faced front, push off the heel back to the standing position, and switch legs.

Exercise 8: Lying Leg Raise

Laying flat on the floor face up with your feet together, raise your legs until straight up or as close as your range of motion allows and then return the legs to the floor but bring the legs back up before they touch the floor. If straight legs is too challenging and you feel pressure in your low back, bend the knees to about a 90 degree angle throughout the movement.