Butts and Gutts Tone-up Workout


By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, A.C.E Certified Personal Trainer

Let’s face it, around this time of the year we’re all looking at ourselves a little bit more critically in the mirror. As the temps warm-up the layers start to come off and inevitably we’re going to want to look our best for the summer months ahead! Here is a quick workout you can perform to tone up those problem areas – the abdomen, hips and thighs. Shoot for 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions of each movement.

The Plank – A classic that just can’t be beat! This exercise tightens, tones, and strengthens the entire midsection including the abs, obliques and low back. Aim to work up to being able to hold the plank for at least 90 seconds.

Cable Rotation – Rotational movements are essential for building a functional and toned core. Rotations primarily focus on the obliques on the sides of the abdomen, a problem area for many.

Table Hip Press – This exercise may look easy, but don’t be fooled! They key is to get the hips up in line with the shoulders and knees, flexing the glutes at the top. The Table Hip Press builds strength and tone through the glutes, hamstrings, and low back.

Stability Ball Pikes – This movement hits the pesky lower ab region like no other! Focus on keeping the legs no more than slightly bent while extending the hips up into the air and keeping your core braced.

Goblet Squat – Goblet squats are a great movement to build tone through the thighs and hips, as they allow for a very full range of motion, emphasizing the glutes and inner thighs more so than a barbell squat or leg presses. For extra work on the inner thighs, take a wide stance and point the toes out.

Decline Medicine Ball Sit-up – One of the fundamental principals of building muscle tone is called “Hypertrophy.” Hypertrophy is the process of tearing muscle fibers that get built back up stronger and thicker, creating muscle tone. The decline sit-up puts the body in a position where you experience a heavy eccentric load due to the angle, creating greater hypertrophy and increases in muscle tone through the core.