What is a Health and Wellness Coach?

Health and wellness coach Lindsay Nauen goes over what a health and wellness coach can do for you in her monthly guest blog.


What is a Health and Wellness Coach?

A Health and Wellness Coach is a professional who helps individuals create a wellness vision and the goals to achieve that vision. These experts establish relationships with their clients and practice core coaching skills. The purpose of this coaching is to assist individuals in:

  • identifying their values and desires
  • transforming them into goals and action steps
  • maintaining lasting change on their journey

Coaches partner with their clients, respecting them as experts in their own lives. So that responsibilities and commitments are clear, the relationship is guided by a contract that spells out expectations for both the coach and the client.  


Scope of Practice

What does a health and wellness coach do? At the onset, this is discussed as the scope of practice. In my coaching, it is my goal is to discover, through a guided conversation, what your values and motivators are. I will not tell you what to do because I don’t know what is important to you. 

Since I am not a fitness trainer or nutritionist, I will not tell you what to eat or what fitness regimen you should follow. Most importantly, I am not a psychologist and will let you know if you have needs beyond my scope of practice.


No Quick Fixes

One of the values of my coaching practice is that there are no quick fixes. The media and the internet offer many solutions that claim fast results, but this is not possible. If you lose weight fast, it could harm your health and it is not sustainable. If you try to change your fitness to gain “six-pack abs” in a short period of time, you could injure yourself.  

If you try to change too many parts of your life at one time, you could get overwhelmed and not make any significant progress. That is why the title of my book is “No Quick Fixes: a Fitness Journey for the Real World.” It is also why the minimum coaching package is 4 weeks. You need that much time to develop a plan and set achievable goals.


How do you know if you need a health and wellness coach?

You might be a good candidate for this type of coaching if:

  • You can use help setting goals and creating a plan to meet those goals
  • You are an older woman who wants to be healthier and more active for your grandchildren
  • You are going through a time of transition such as the birth of a child, retirement, a move, or a job change
  • You need help with accountability and could use help accomplishing goals
  • You are working with a fitness trainer or nutritionist but need help staying on track and achieving your goals


Who is Lindsay Nauen?

Through her own life experience, Lindsay has learned the value of being focused on health and wellness. On her fitness journey, she lost over 170 pounds and went from a sedentary lifestyle to that of an energetic triathlete. Through this journey, she has learned lessons about the importance of a support team, the value of goals, and the need for accountability and documentation.  

Lindsay is a 2019 graduate of the Mayo Clinic’s Health and Wellness Coaching program. Continuing to follow her passion for helping people achieve a healthier lifestyle, she is now in the process of becoming professionally certified.  


How do I get started?

Email Lindsay Nauen at noquickfixes18@gmail.com or visit her website at noquickfixes.me. She will get back to you promptly and confidentially. She wants you to succeed and live your best life!