Trainer Spotlight: Aaron Boike

Trainer Spotlight: Aaron Boike

What are your credentials?

B.S. Kinesiology, UMN Twin Cities, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, NESCA Certified Running Coach, TRX Suspension and Rip Training Certified Instructor, Kettlebell Concepts (KBC) Certified Instructor 

What do you love most about working in the fitness industry?

I love helping my team of trainers help clients reach their fitness goals and experience their best life! There is no greater reward than helping someone improve their wellbeing and lead a more fulfilling and productive life. 

What separates you from others in the fitness industry?

I have run the gamut of fitness goals. I grew up overweight and my interest in fitness started with a weight loss journey where I lost 75 lbs. I dabbled in bodybuilding and powerlifting before finding my passion for running in 2014. I take a functional approach to fitness that is focused on helping clients reach their goals and improve their life. I aim to pass this perspective on to my entire training team at 3CLICK Fitness. 

What is your favorite area in fitness and why?

Running is my personal passion, but I love helping people experience the benefits of functional resistance training. 

What is your favorite training modality? (Kettlebell/TRX/ETC.)

Give me a kettlebell and I’m a happy man. That said, TRX and Barbell training would be close seconds for me. 

What do you consider to be the greatest accomplishment of your life?

Starting a successful fitness business with a good friend. 

If you had to choose one exercise for somebody to do what would you pick and why?

Yikes! This is a hard question. That said, I think I would choose a kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing is a full body integrated movement that promotes strength, explosive power, and muscular balance. 

What’s your secret to staying in shape?

Staying consistent! I may not always be killing it with 80 mile running weeks (although I often do…), but I make sure I stay consistent with strength training and moving in some way every single day. I also commit to a minimum of a 12 hour fast each day to help keep metabolically healthy. 

What’s your favorite workout song?

There is no way for me to pick just one! Right now I’d say it would be “Gasoline” by I, Prevail

What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies and interests?

Running, the outdoors, my beautiful wife and our two kids, music, writing

What’s one thing that surprises people about you?

That I used to be overweight and failed the 1-mile run test in high school.

What’s your favorite T.V. show?

I enjoy watching shows about nature on National Geographic. 

If you could only pick one thing to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

Red Thai Curry 

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3 things with you what would they be?

I’m assuming there is already food and water on this desert island? If not those are it for sure! Otherwise, running shoes, kettlebell, a boat to get off the island…