How to Use a TRX Trainer for a Full Body Workout


By Cheyenne Connolly, B.A. Exercise Science, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

The TRX Suspension Trainer is a fantastic tool that allows you to hit the entire body with functional training movements that engage your muscles through a full range of motion. Another unique hallmark of the TRX is that you can use “Vector Resistance” to change how much weight you are lifting, based on the angle of your body. We’re going to cover hitting eight major muscle groups with the TRX – Enjoy!

Muscle Group Target: Chest


  • TRX Chest Press – Get into a pushup position on the TRX (think hands at shoulder height), ensure the hips are low and the core is tight / back flat. Lower your body into a pushup (90 degrees or deeper with elbows) and press back up, keeping the arms at shoulder width.


Muscle Group Target: Triceps

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  • TRX Overhead Tricep Extension– Start with Body in a plank position, with straight arms keep elbows tight to head (palms facing forward). Shift weight forward into toes, bend at elbows bringing stomach closer to the floor. End with hands behind head or close to (pending on flexibility/ stability).


Muscle Group Target: Lats, Rear Deltoids

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  • TRX Low Row– Palms facing ceiling, weight in heels, leaning back/extend arms while keeping entire body in a “board”. Keep core engaged and shoulders pulled back. Start with arms extended then pinch shoulder blades down/back, pulling body towards hands while keeping body in a plank position. End with hands just outside of rib cage.


Muscle Group Target: Biceps

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  • TRX Bicep Curl- Start in same start position as the Low Row. With weight in heels, bend at elbows to flex bicep and bring hands towards your face. End with Hands at either your chin or your forehead. Slowly/ with control return to start position by extending arms and leaning body backwards.


Muscle Group Target: Rear Delts, Lats

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  • TRX Y Raise– Start with hands in front of you, together and fingernails facing each other. Arms almost fully extended between chest and face height. Focus on pinching shoulders back/together to bring hands up. Finish with body in a “Y” position, all while keeping core tight, back flat and weight in heels. Return to start position slowly/ with control.


Muscle Group Target: Quads, Glutes



  • TRX Squats– Start with heels about hip width apart, weight in heels. Squat down to at least 90 degrees with knees. Keep chest up/ flat back/ tight core and knees still. Think about pushing the floor apart with your heels through the whole process.
  • TRX Single Leg Squats– same form with leg that is squatting, weight in heel and bring hips low enough to bring knee to 90 degrees. Other leg can be extended straight (tougher) or bent in front of you (med) or bent and behind you for better balance (easiest).


Muscle Group Target: Hamstrings, Glutes

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  • TRX Hamstring Curls– Heels in bottom straps, start with a 90 degree angle at knees. Start by squeezing glutes (butt) up and getting low back off of the floor. While squeezing glutes up and keeping core engaged, extend legs out – pause- bring legs back.



Muscle Group Target: Core, Pecs

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TRX Plank/ Knee Tuck– With feet put through the bottom strap and body facing the floor. Place palms directly under shoulders and lift body up into a plank position. Focus on engaging your core to keep back flat and keep tension out of back. To add the knee tuck, focus on exhaling and driving knees up to your chest with your CORE, keep back out of it.