Why I’m Using a Personal Trainer to Achieve My Goals This Summer


By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach

When it comes to my fitness, I’m a very disciplined creature. I run 6 days per week, usually logging between 8-13 miles per run on the weekdays and 20+ on the weekends, and have committed to maintaining resistance training in my routine 2x/week to keep my strength up and so that I can maintain some of the muscle mass I gained in my powerlifting days. On top of that, I know my stuff! I’ve been a Personal Trainer for nearly 10 years, got my degree in Kinesiology (human movement science), and have pursued dozens of continuing education courses on everything from kettlebell technique to holistic health. So, why on earth would I hire and pay for a Personal Trainer?

I have big goals, that’s why. I have a full time job (managing the business), training my own clients part time on top of that, and have a wife and newborn baby at home. The truth is, aside from just pushing myself out the door at 5am every morning for a run, I don’t have the mental capacity or clarity to guide my own fitness program in any meaningful way. My overarching goal for this year is to place in the top 10% of my races this summer, the Afton 50k and Voyageur 50 mile trail races. These are both highly competitive races with large talented fields, so this will not be an easy task. I consulted with a running coach at the beginning of my training block who set me up with a running program to get me in top running form for the race, and on top of that, I started working with 3CLICK Fitness Trainer, Amy Divine on a program to optimize my body to run hard, optimize my gait and running form, and prevent injury.

Amy is able to bring new prospective to my program, helping me identify areas for improvement that will allow me to become a stronger runner and more fit in general. We meet once per week at the gym, and she gives me weekly homework that can be done at home on my own time. In addition, she gives me a set of specific a measurable goals that I’m always working towards, helping me monitor my progress on a monthly basis with a check-in. The best part? She really focuses the workouts on what is truly best for me. Whereas I typically fall into a rut of doing the same thing over and over (most often the exercises I like, not the ones I need), with Amy’s workouts I’m always focusing on exactly what I need to meet my goals. One unique thing about her training that I love is that she uses the Functional Patterns training method, which focuses in part on optimizing the gait cycle. I’m already feeling stronger and faster after only a month, and I can’t wait to see the results over the long term.

I’m not the only one on my team of trainers that utilizes a trainer themselves. I have a competitive powerlifter on the team who has been using a trainer on our staff to help them overcome injury and get back to peak form. In addition, we have a trainer who is a highly competitive bodybuilder who also recruits the help of a coach to reach his peak condition. I’m writing this to emphasize that personal training is not just for people that lack the knowledge or discipline needed to stay fit. It should be a tool for anyone who is looking to reach a goal that they need help in obtaining. If you’re looking to make the commitment to your goals and need help – reach out to us and book a complimentary Fitness Assessment. There is no strings attached and it is a great way to kick start your fitness program, whether or not you ultimately decide to use a Personal Trainer.

Here’s to crushing your goals this summer! Get after it! : )