Personal Trainers Edina MN | Five Steps to Kick Start Your Workout Program

Personal Trainers Edina MN

By Ashton Johnson, B.S. Public Health, Wellness and Fitness | Personal Trainers Edina MN

Starting a workout program can be a daunting task, especially for the first time. It is easy to look at the work ahead of you and feel discouraged, but with these 5 simple steps, you will have all the tools you need to build a successful workout program.

Step 1: Consider your goals

This step is by far the most important step. You wouldn’t leave your house without a destination in mind, so your workout shouldn’t be any different. Setting goals is the best way to trigger new behaviors, and focus your attention on why what you are doing is important to you. Your goals do not have to be big and grand, starting small is a great way to track your progress as well as provide encouragement to keep you motivated. Ask yourself, “Where am I now, and where would I like to be?”.

Step 2: Set a routine

Now that you have your destination in mind, it is time to start the journey. As creatures of habit, setting a routine will help ensure that you are setting yourself up for success. Consistency is key! Your workouts don’t have to be a 2 hour long sweat fest, sometimes even 20-30 minutes is all you need. Make sure to include all three main elements of a well rounded fitness routine; strength training, flexibility and mobility, and cardiovascular training. 

Step 3: Try something new

The best way to keep your workouts fun and interesting is to keep an open mind and be willing to try new things. Running is a great way to include cardio into your workouts, but doing the same thing every day would get boring. Mix it up a bit and try things like biking, swimming, hiking, boxing, or rowing just to name a few. Variety will help with consistency, and keep you motivated. 

Step 4: Use your resources

There are plenty of online resources to help get you started. The only downside to seemingly unlimited information is it can all be quite overwhelming. Including your friends, family, trainer, or gym community in your journey is the best way to ensure you are utilizing all of your resources and getting their support on your journey. If you’re looking for a Trainer to help assist you along the way, start with a Free Initial Session or Consultation. You can book one with 3CLICK Fitness here

Step 5: Track your progress

Tracking your progress is the best way to maintain your drive and motivation for success. Knowing that one day you are going to look back, and see how far you have come is one thing, but to see it happen in real time is something that you won’t want to miss. Tracking your progress ties into the goals that you set in step 1. If your goal is weight loss/gain, keep track of your weight, or body fat. There are countless ways to track your progress, and you will see that progress in everything you do!

Ultimately it is up to you to put in the hard work and dedication, but by following these 5 simple steps, you can kick start your workout program in the right direction.

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Personal Trainers Edina MN

Personal Trainers Edina MN