Personal Training in Edina MN | The Best Single Legged Exercises for Strength and Stability

Personal Training in Edina MN

By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, NESCA Certified Running Coach | Personal Training in Edina MN

It is no secret that for anyone looking for functional, real world strength, single legged exercises are the ticket. Running, hiking, golfing, biking, skiing, other recreational activities and activities of daily living require a strong and stable lower body. If you think about these activities, none of them require a complete bilateral functioning of the legs.

Rather, they require the legs to either work independently (such as running), or work in different ways (such as golfing)- so we should train that way! Often, our hips and ankles get neglected by routines that focus only on bilateral exercises (this means both legs working at the same time, such as during a leg press). By working one side at a time, the muscles that stabilize the lower body in the hips, ankles, and core get greater stimulation. Let’s introduce the best single legged exercises to help you build a strong and stable lower body.

The Bulgarian Split Squat 

This exercise helps to build functional strength and balance with an emphasis on the quadriceps, glutes, and hips.

The Single Legged Deadlift

This exercise helps to build functional strength through the hamstrings, hips and ankles with a huge focus on balance and stability.

The Carpet Slider Reverse Lunge 

This exercise uses the carpet slider (you can also use a paper plate or furniture mover discs) to turn a reverse lunge into a single legged exercise and dramatically improve glute engagement.

Single Legged Box Squat 

This exercise is a more accessible version of the Pistol Squat. This exercise helps to build power and stability through the entire lower body.

Single Legged Step Down

By stepping down instead of up, and utilizing a “Hip Hinge” like you would in a squat , you’re loading the glutes and hips, helping to build lower body power.

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Personal Training in Edina MN

Personal Training in Edina MN

Personal Training in Edina MN