Picnic Table or Park Bench Outdoor Workout

Picnic Table or Park Bench Outdoor Workout

By Korey Walz – NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Here’s a workout you can do to get a great full body burn and can do outside! All you need is a picnic table or park bench. So go to your local park, find a bench or picnic table and get ready to move! Remember to test the surface first to make sure the bench is solid and does not wobble.

Timing sequence will be as follows: Repeat circuit 4 times though with each exercise done for 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off.


Exercise 1 – Step Up

Standing right in front of a park bench or the sitting portion of the picnic table place your right foot up on the bench press through the heel of the right leg and bring the left knee up until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Reverse the movement and bring your left foot to the ground followed by the right. For the 2nd rep switch and step up with the left leg in order to alternate.

Exercise 2 – Sit to Stand

Using the sitting portion of the park bench or picnic table and sit back until your glutes touch the seat and press through the heels back up to the standing position.

Exercise 3 – Incline Push-Up

Using the sitting portion of the picnic table or bench, place your hands on the seat and lower down. Keep your torso straight until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Press back up to the top position.

Exercise 4 – Box Jumps

Stand in front of a picnic table or park bench lower your hips back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Explosively extend up and jump up onto the sitting portion of the bench. You can choose to take two steps back to the ground or jump to get down. 

Exercise 5 – Bench Dips

With wrists positioned comfortably for you, sit facing out on the park bench or picnic table to start. Then slide forward on the bench until your hips are hovering. Lower down until arms are parallel to the ground then extend back up to the top position.

Exercise 6 – Bench Burpees

Using the sitting portion of a picnic table or park bench bring your hands to the seat (like you did for the incline push up). Jump your feet back then jump your feet in. You can finish with a box jump on the sitting portion of the bench or picnic table for extra difficulty. Modifications: Step feet back and forward instead of jumping and step up onto the seat instead of jumping.

I hope you get outside and enjoy an outdoor workout this weekend!