Resistance Training for Skiing and Snowboarding


By Derek Hutson, American Council on Exercise Certified Trainer

It’s that time of year again when the snow has fallen, temperatures have dropped, and winter sports are in full swing. Among the most popular are skiing and snowboarding as they are huge everywhere from Colorado to Minnesota, all the way up to Canada, and many places in between. If you are looking to be safe and really shred the slopes this year, it is a good idea to train your body to handle the demands placed upon it by skiing and snowboarding. The body adapts to the specific demands that are placed upon it, so by training in lateral movement, single leg strength and balance, and core strength/stability, you can step up your game this year and tackle slopes you would never even have considered trying before! Below is a brief, 45 minute-1 hour workout that will help improve your strength and balance while skiing or snowboarding. This is a relatively challenging program so always make sure you are physically able to begin a new workout routine.


Run for one mile (9-11 min/mile pace) OR bike for 2 miles (6-8 min/mile pace)


  • The first set should be slightly heavier, while the second set should be very light weight or bodyweight.

2×12 reverse lunge w/ bicep curl

  • Holding dumbbells, go into a reverse lunge and at the bottom perform a bilateral bicep curl. Return to standing position and alternate sides.

2×12 lateral band walks

  • Stand on the middle of a resistance band while holding the handles, and cross them over to make an X shape. Go into a half squat and shuffle one way, then back the other way.

2x30seconds ski hops

  • Keeping your knees slightly bent, find a line on the floor and perform small, lateral hops side to side as quickly as you can.

2×12 TRX single leg squat

  • Holding a TRX handle in both hands, slightly lift one leg in front of the other and squat down, making sure your lower leg stays vertical. Use your arms to pull yourself back up on the TRX for assistance as needed.

2×12 weighted squat jumps

  • With a barbell on your back, or holding a medicine ball in front of your chest, go into a squat and as you come up try to jump as high as you can off the ground. Be sure to land with flexible knees.

2x45seconds yoga ball plank

  • Go into a forearm plank position with your elbows on a yoga ball, and try to maintain a tight core with a flat lower back.


5 minute slow walk on treadmill

Stretches for hamstring, hip flexor, and hip adductor flexibility

Stretches for lower back, mid back, and shoulder mobility


That’s the end of the workout! Stay safe on the slopes, have fun, and have a happy new year!