How Do I Stop the Resolution Merry-Go-Round?!

Health and wellness coach Lindsay Nauen goes over how to make New Year’s resolutions that stick by creating a wellness vision in her monthly guest blog.


Stop the Resolution Merry-Go-Round!

“Help! Get me off the merry-go-round!” That’s what you might be saying this February—and with reason. This time of year is known for all the resolutions that are announced and sometimes even written down. What we also know is that most of the New Year’s resolutions are gone with the wind after a few short weeks. And many of us do this each and every year!

It’s ok. We’ve all been there. Done that. Typically, we have one or more of these self-improvement themes:

—I want to get fit.

—I want to eat healthier meals. 

—I want to get my life in order.

—I want to stop this annoying habit.

The sad truth is that resolutions rarely work because they are simply hopes and desires. They sound good, and this type of change in our life is appealing, but it’s difficult to make it a reality because there’s no real plan. Here’s an example:

-I want to get fit.

A person with this resolution wants to get fit. It sounds like a great idea—and it is! They might join a gym and exercise daily or start running for miles several times each week. The sad reality is that within weeks, they might feel achy, discouraged or even injure themselves. That’s the end of that. Or, they might have decided to go on a popular diet which eliminates all their favorite foods or leaves them feeling hungry and irritable. This also ends miserably after a few short days or weeks.

It is possible to make a plan that will work. Let’s try it this way:

Your wellness vision is the first step. This document will frame and explain your goals (the what and the why) and who you need to support you so that you will be successful. To develop your vision, think about what healthy means to you and what will motivate you to success. Each person has a different vision of what wellness would be for them and their lifestyle. It’s a personal choice. 

Some people want to be more active and flexible. They want to enjoy their children or grand-children and participate in activities with them. Some people want to remove junk food from their diet and add more fresh fruits to their plates. Others want to find ways to make vegetables more appealing so they’ll eat more of them. 

Some people want to fit into that special outfit or swimwear for an occasion or vacation. And still others want to be able to walk without getting winded, dance more, play sports, or simply have greater endurance.

The next step is to realize that a good plan is far better than a short-lived resolution. Instead of dreaming of a vague, but attractive outcome, the person with a plan has a much better chance of achieving those goals. And if the plan has goals that are measurable, obtainable and flexible, they are more likely to become a reality. 

We need to clearly understand the goals we are reaching for, and when we do, we can decide on steps that will take us there. With this in mind, our person with a vision would develop a plan with an appropriate support team to help them stay on the right track. They might include a fitness trainer, a swimming or biking buddy, a nutritionist and a primary physician.

You can see that by upgrading an unclear resolution to be fit, this person now has a plan. They have decided what they want and why, and they have noted who can help them get there. They have taken it a step further and documented what they need to do on a daily and weekly basis. Their support team will inspire them with healthy ideas that they can embrace. They’ll also help hold them accountable, encourage them and celebrate with them. 

Let 2021 be the year you create a workable plan to achieve your fitness goals without the merry-go-round or vague aspirations. It takes a plan and then a commitment to make it fun—for however long it takes. Remember to take it step by step. There are no quick fixes!

Wishing you great success along your journey,


Who is Lindsay Nauen?

Through her own life experience, Lindsay has learned the value of being focused on health and wellness. On her fitness journey, she lost over 170 pounds and went from a sedentary lifestyle to that of an energetic triathlete. Through this journey, she has learned lessons about the importance of a support team, the value of goals, and the need for accountability and documentation.  

Lindsay is a 2019 graduate of the Mayo Clinic’s Health and Wellness Coaching program. Continuing to follow her passion for helping people achieve a healthier lifestyle, she is now in the process of becoming professionally certified.