Trainer Spotlight: Amy Divine

Trainer Spotlight: Amy Divine

What are your credentials?

-BS In Animal Science

-BS in Psych

-Functional Patterns Human Foundations Practitioner

-ACE Personal Trainer

-ACE Health Coach


What do you love most about working in the fitness industry?

Helping people rid themselves of pain and teaching club work


What separates you from others in the fitness industry?

I’m trained in a non-traditional method that isn’t found just anywhere. I train with equipment that isn’t commonly used, weighted clubs, tornado ball, sledgehammer, etc.


What is your favorite area in fitness and why? (Strength Training/Marathon Running/ETC.)

Mobility/balance/weight training with club work specifically.  


What is your favorite training modality? (Kettlebell/TRX/ETC.)

Clubs clubs and all day clubs. I just bought myself a tornado ball, that’s next on my list to master.


What do you consider to be the greatest accomplishment of your life?

Finding the most bitchin partner and living our best lives together with our 4 kitties and dog. 


If you had to choose one exercise for somebody to do what would you pick and why?

Deadbug because everyone always gets real excited to do it.


What’s your secret to staying in shape?

Functional Patters of course. 


What’s your favorite workout song?

Anything by Tropkillaz


What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies and interests?

Animals, specifically cats.  Hobbies include building things for my cats.


What’s one thing that surprises people about you?

I’m missing a digit from my middle finger.


What’s your favorite T.V. show?

Schitts Creek


If you could only pick one thing to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

Street tacos


If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3 things with you what would they be?

My partner Lindsay

A Tap Clubbell

Charlie Brownface