Trainer Spotlight: Korey Walz

Trainer Spotlight: Korey Walz

What are your credentials?

B.S. in Exercise Science

NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist


What do you love most about working in the fitness industry?

The thing I love most about working in the fitness industry is the connections I make with my clients and helping my clients achieves their goals.


What separates you from others in the fitness industry?

What separates me from others in the fitness industry is my ability to relate to clients and build a connection in order to motivate them to get to their fitness goals.


What is your favorite area in fitness and why? (Strength Training/Marathon Running/ETC.)

My favorite area in fitness is strength training because I love pushing past previous set limits and getting stronger then I was before.


What is your favorite training modality? (Kettlebell/TRX/ETC.)

Favorite training modality is definitely dumbbells. So many exercises can be accomplished with them.


What do you consider to be the greatest accomplishment of your life?

The greatest accomplishment of my life is getting my Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification from the NSCA.


If you had to choose one exercise for somebody to do what would you pick and why?

The Deadlift because it’s the exercise that will get you maximal benefit with minimal reps


What’s your secret to staying in shape?

Making smart food choices. I love to workout but that’s only half the equation.


What’s your favorite workout song?

My favorite workout song is Arise by E.S. Posthumus


What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies and interests?

I am passionate about fitness but as far as hobbies and interests go I am a big movie and TV buff. I also enjoy camping, hiking, and most things outside.


What’s one thing that surprises people about you?

I have an identical twin brother.


What’s your favorite T.V. show?

Stranger Things


If you could only pick one thing to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?

Hot wings (assuming I get unlimited ranch dressing along with it)


If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring 3 things with you what would they be?

  1. A spear to catch fish
  2. Sunscreen cause lets be honest my pale skin burns easily
  3. A flare to signal for help