Trending Fitness Products: What’s Hot and What’s Not

By Isabeau Vilks, 3CLICK Fitness Customer Service Manager, B.S. Health and Human Phys.

It can be tough to predict what products and trends will get people up and sweating, but as summer 2015 comes to an end it’s time to identify the programs and products that could become the next CrossFit.

These products are SO HOT right now:

  • Wearable technology. More people are utilizing technology to monitor and record their biometric data. Athletic watches are now recording everything from heart rate to sleep habits.
  • Obstacle course races. 3CLICK Fitness trainers are no stranger to this type of training. If you are training for a Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder, or even American Ninja Warrior our 3CLICK trainers will design a training program specifically for your race!
  • TRX suspension training. Developed by a Navy Seal, this total body workout uses body weight and is easy to travel with. All you need is a door and your core!
TRX Suspension Training

These products are already cooling off:

  • The Shake Weight. This piece of equipment promises that you’ll have great arms with just 6 minutes a day. Why spend $20 when shaking a pencil at that same joint angle would give you the same benefits?
  • The toning shoes. These shoes simply don’t live up to the promises of the manufacturer. You get the same benefits from a traditional running shoe.
  • The minimalist running shoe. The minimalist running shoe was made to mimic a bare foot. Tread carefully! Very few people have a perfect running gait. If you aren’t sure, try a hybrid shoe.


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