Twelve Daily Practices to Balance Your Wellness Journey

Health and wellness coach Lindsay Nauen goes over twelve daily practices to maintain balance in her monthly guest blog.

Twelve Daily Practices to Balance Your Wellness Journey



1. Find an accountability partner because shared goals are reached more often.

2. Teach your family how to best support you.



3. Be kind to yourself because every day is an opportunity for change and growth.

4. Organize your day to include all activities that are important to you.

5. Monitor your stress level and adjust your priorities as needed.



6. Have a plan with goals that are measurable, obtainable and flexible.

7. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do.



8. Nurture your spirituality.


Physical Endorsed by Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, ACE Certified Trainer 

9. Move as often as you can and try to avoid sitting at your desk for long periods. Aim to get up at least once every 45 minutes and use phone calls as an opportunity to get up and walk around the house or your office.  

10. Keep hydrated in all seasons. If you are thirsty you are not drinking enough. The current recommendations from the Mayo Clinic are 15.5 cups per day for men and 11.5 for women. This includes water in food and all drinks.

11. Plan your meals and stock up on healthy foods to make it easy for yourself to eat healthy! Think of healthy foods that you can substitute for your trigger foods and keep those on hand. 

12. Get at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity and strength training at least twice weekly to improve your metabolism and strengthen your body. 

Bonus tip: 

If you need help, work with a fitness professional! Book a Free Fitness Assessment with 3CLICK Fitness at to get help with your fitness plan. 


Wishing you great success along your journey,


Who is Lindsay Nauen?

Through her own life experience, Lindsay has learned the value of being focused on health and wellness. On her fitness journey, she lost over 170 pounds and went from a sedentary lifestyle to that of an energetic triathlete. Through this journey, she has learned lessons about the importance of a support team, the value of goals, and the need for accountability and documentation.  

Lindsay is a 2019 graduate of the Mayo Clinic’s Health and Wellness Coaching program. Continuing to follow her passion for helping people achieve a healthier lifestyle, she is now in the process of becoming professionally certified.