Three TRX Exercises for a Strong Upper Back

Three TRX exercises for a powerful upper back: we’re going to go ahead and start things off working on our TRX row. This is our most basic TRX exercise, but it’s a great muscle builder and a great strength builder for those muscles of the upper back including the traps, the rhomboids and the latissimus dorsi. What we’re going to be working here is just a side-by-side foot stance. If we want to make this hard, all we have to do is bring it in just a little bit further and we can deepen our angle. From there we’re going to row through the elbows, squeezing those shoulder blades down, back and together. So that’s our TRX low row. Next, we’re going to move onto working the upper back, posterior deltoids and the postural muscles with a movement called the overhead squat. So for this one, we’re going to slip our hands through the foot cradles, bring those hands up above the head and try to squeeze those shoulders down and back far enough that the arms are actually behind the ears. From here we’re going to drop into a squat position and press up. The real challenge here is not in the legs, it’s in trying to keep those hands back behind the head the whole time. That’s our TRX overhead squat. Lastly, we’re going to move onto a swimmer’s pull. The swimmer’s pull primarily works the biggest muscle on the back, the latissimus dorsi. It starts right under your armpit and extends right into your low back. So we’re going to start this one off by getting the handles right beside our hips, just like so. We’re going to drop down trying to keep those arms nice and straight. And we’re just going to press the palms towards the floor, exhaling forcefully, and bracing the core as we do so. And that’s our TRX swimmer’s pull. And there’s your three TRX exercises for a powerful upper back.