The Benefits of Getting a Fitness Assessment


by Chris Golv, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, A.S. Exercise Science

If you recently joined a gym, decided to get back into fitness, or are just unhappy with the results you are getting from your current routine, a Fitness Assessment is a great way to help jump start you on a new fitness journey. I want to explain the objectives of the 3CLICK Fitness Assessment, and how it can benefit you.

Setting Goals

The biggest benefit of the Fitness Assessment is setting goals. You can talk to a fitness professional about what you want to change or get better at. Not only will you have someone who cares about your goals as much as you, you can have a conversation about them and get really specific about what you want to achieve.

We us the acronym SMART when talking about goals. SMART stands for Simple Measurable Achievable Realistic and Time bound. This helps us gain a solid understanding in order to best offer our specific recommendations for you. Having a well-documented goal is extremely motivating and everyone should have at least one that drives their fitness routine. What gets recorded gets achieved!

Fitness Baseline Testing

Fitness baseline testing is a series of tests designed to give both you and the Trainer a snapshot of your current fitness level. You also get a chance to see how your numbers compare to health and fitness standards based on your age group and gender. These are great tests for setting your baseline that will be used to measure progress and show real results.  Seeing your personal progress and results are powerful motivators.

Recommendations from a Professional

Once you have set few solid goals and have some baseline tests to give you an idea of where you are starting, you’ll receive personalized recommendations from your Trainer. These recommendations include the outline for a plan that is based on your SMART goals, baseline fitness testing, and everything the Trainer has learned about you during the session. There doesn’t have to be any guess work from you about what the next steps should be in order to get started and make your goals a reality.

Having a Fitness Assessment can offer you some valuable information and knowledge that give you real direction in your workout program. We recommend that anyone serious about getting results start their program with a complimentary Fitness Assessment, and get re-assessed every 90 days to measure progress and reset goals.

Click Here to Schedule Your Free Fitness Assessment Today!