Train Like an MMA Fighter

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By Chris Golv, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, A.S. Personal Training

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) continues to grow in popularity throughout the world. It is no surprise that more and more people are using the same training strategies as these athletes to lose weight and get in great shape. Having competed in MMA, as well as trained alongside former and current UFC fighters, I want to share with you three exercises inspired by the training of these athletes to help ramp up your program.


The cable twist hits the core in an unconventional way by working in the transverse, or rotational plane, something that is often left out of traditional resistance training programs. Fighters use this to build rotational power for throwing a punch or completing a wrestling move. The cable twist is a great way for you to build rotational strength through the core to help with your everyday life.


MMA fighters are all about functional movement. Sandbags help fighters adapt to loads that are uneven and hard to control. The Sandbag clean is great for building power in the hips and legs for a takedown or throwing a kick. This move can help your break through a plateau or mix things up to get a new, interesting workout.


Lastly the lunge to knee is an awesome leg workout. The lunge to high knee combines a lot of elements like strength, balance, and power all wrapped into one move. Fighters need to be able to transition from the ground back to standing quickly, and the lunge to knee offers that with a sport specific movement at the top. This can benefit you with an added balance and power element compared to a regular lunge.

Give these three MMA inspired movements a try in your resistance training program to help you get fighter fit for life’s daily challenges!