What Are Tips To Increase My Non-Exercise Activity? – Just Move!

What are Tips to Increase my Non-Exercise Activity?

Health and wellness coach Lindsay Nauen goes over ideas for you in her monthly guest blog.

Just Move!

Research shows that adults are too sedentary as many of us spend hours in front of computer or TV screens, working at desks or using our smartphones. Even working out aerobically is not enough to overcome our hours of sitting at work and at home.

A team of scientists looked at what is called NEAT, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. This is the amount of energy a person expends during the day. It does not include sleeping, eating, or sports-like exercise, but does count walking, ordinary work and just moving around. If someone is in a high activity job, they will use more NEAT. But today, to get their daily tasks done most people use a lot less energy than humans did in the past. This makes it important to move more so that you will burn off excess energy. 

An abstract of the NEAT study is at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12468415

Let’s get moving while at home!

Here are some ways that allow you to move more during your daily routine: 

  1. Use your smartphone to set an alarm so you get up and move. Make it simple.
  • Walk for 5 minutes.
  • While standing, do deep breathing/relaxation.
  • Advanced tip—Do some stretches or exercises.
  1. Get a stand-up desk or desk surface that can be raised and lowered.  
  • Start the day by setting an alarm for 45 minutes in the future. When the alarm goes off, stand up and work for 15 minutes standing. After setting the alarm for an hour, repeat.
  • Advanced tip—Try standing for longer periods until you find your own best proportion.  It might be 40/20 or 30/30 or even 60/60.
  1. Organize walking meetings that are not on Zoom.
  • If you need to meet with a colleague, suggest a walking meeting.
  • Use your smart phone to record notes or action items.
  • For a phone meeting, walk while talking.
  • Use this time for a brainstorming session where ideas are freely discussed but not necessarily acted upon.
  • Advanced tip—Be creative. You might start a trend in your workplace!
  1. Zoom Meeting
  • It is not necessary to sit during the entire meeting.
  • If you walk away from the screen, put up a picture.
  • You can also stretch or walk around your house.
  • If you are the host, suggest a 5 minute break.
  1. End the day with movement.
  • When you talk on the phone with family and friends, walk around your home.
  • If you sit to do jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, play a game or watch a movie, get up at regular intervals to take a break, walk and stretch.
  • Advanced tip—While watching television at night, walk on a mini trampoline or an elliptical if you have either one at home.

Accountability tip—Keep track of how long you sit each day and try to lower that amount each week.

Aerobic exercise and strength training are important, but when you set a goal of moving more each day, you’ll enjoy many health benefits as well. Keep moving!



Lindsay Nauen is a graduate of the Mayo Clinic Wellness Coach Training Program. She has been on a fitness journey for the last 14 years, during which she lost over 170 pounds. No Quick Fixes: A Fitness Journey for the Real World is the book she wrote about her experiences and the lessons she learned. For more information about Health and Wellness coaching, contact her at noquickfixes18@gmail.com or visit her website at noquickfixes.me